Rogaška grabbed a valuable road win in Ohrid

Wednesday, 08. November 2017 at 18:30

Rogaška have beaten AV Ohrid on the road in Biljanini izvori in Ohrid and have now escaped the league’s bottom by two triumphs. The hosts keep waiting for their first victory of the season.

Rashun Davis (Photo: AV Ohrid/Mega Production)

ABA League 2 Round 5, Wednesday, 8.11.2017:

AV Ohrid – ROGAŠKA 56:78 (13:20, 22:17, 13:20, 8:21)




In the first game of the Wednesday’s ABA League 2 program, Rogaška have beaten AV Ohrid on the road in Biljanini izvori in Ohrid. This is an exceptionally important triumph for the Rogaška Slatina squad, as they have now escaped the league’s bottom by two triumphs and can calmly look forward to the following rounds, when they will be seeking their way towards the League’s top. The hosts keep waiting for their first victory of the season.

The game was decided in the second half, when the guests have cracked the home side’s resistance after being up only by two points at half time. The final score was 78:56.
