Category : Official

22.08.2017 18:47

The ABA League Second Division will start from the 2017/18 season

The ABA League Assembly, held on July 24, 2017 in Belgrade, has made a series of important decisions which will have strong impact on the development of basketball in our region. 
16.07.2017 17:25

Assembly of the Presidency and Management of the ABA League j.t.d. took place in Belgrade

At the assembly of the Presidency of the ABA League j.t.d. and Management of the ABA League j.t.d., held on 16 July 2017 in Belgrade, the status of implementation of the decisions, taken at the ABA League j.t.d. Assembly in Zagreb on 10 July 2017 was analyzed and a series of conclusions with a goal for the preparations on and efficiency of ABA League j.t.d. Assembly planned for 24 July in Belgrade to be optimally performed.
29.06.2017 11:00

Adriatic Basketball Association forms exclusive data partnership with Genius Sports

As the leader in sports data technology, commercialisation and distribution services, Genius Sports will enable the ABA League to take control of its official data in order to drive fan engagement levels, increase commercial returns and enhance day-to-day operational efficiency.
23.05.2017 19:27

Series of decisions made at the ABA League j.t.d. Assembly

After a conclusion has been made that ABA League j.t.d. has had an extraordinarily successful season, the Assembly of its clubs has made a series of decisions at its session on 23 May 2017 in the International Hotel in Zagreb, with a goal of further strengthening and progress of the competition.